Every girl longs to do something great to bring glory to her heavenly Father. He has placed that longing in our hearts! How do we know what our gifts are? How will we find them?
Spend time with God everyday. To find out how you can honor God, you must first know Him and love Him with your whole being! Read your Bible and pray about it, specifically asking God to reveal His special mission for you. Remind yourself to pray by wearing a ring or bracelet.
Try to take the focus off yourself and instead think about how you can help others. This is a hard one especially in this day and age when every ad or commercial is about how you can ‘enjoy yourself’. Delight yourself in your family, friends and neighbors and work at being a blessing to them.
Through it all, continue to pray to the Lord and ask for His guidance. Don’t swerve to the right or the left. Stay on the path that God has set before you. Run your race and don’t worry about others around you. I know it can sometimes be discouraging when others win great awards or do splendid things, but you need to focus on your walk with the Lord.
Be willing to do hard things. Bad habits and hidden sins keep us from achieving our great goals! We will not be able to accomplish great things for God if we are stuck in the trap of sin. Do hard things to break free from Satan’s hold on your life. They may seem small and not worth all the fuss, but until you break free of bad habits, they may prevent you from accomplishing your goals.
Don’t be discouraged! Think of this; the more time you spend with God, the deeper your faith will grow. The deeper you faith grows, the stronger your life will be. The stronger your life is, the brighter your light will shine. People will notice and that is a gift right there.
Keep strong in your faith, fellow pilgrims, for I am a work in progress too. As your time spent with God reveals your gifts whether big or small, use them to bring glory to God! (c)